Guillaume Coudé the Man with the Golden Left Hammer

Guillaume Coudé
pro boxer / hockey enforcer
“The Man with the Golden Left Hammer”

“The Man with the Golden Left” and “The Hammer” were originally the nicknames given to pro wrestler Bart Gunn (real name Mike Polchlopek) after he knocked out three of his four opponents in the WWF Brawl For All 1998, an ill-conceived Toughman / MMA / Boxing elimination tournament between pro wrestling tough guys. Thanks to his legit KO victory over hardman “Dr. Death” Steve Williams, Bart Gunn founds fame in Japanese pro wrestling federations under the name of Mike Barton “The Man with the Golden Left”. Then in 2006, Bart Gunn AKA Mike Barton ventured into the MMA world cumulating a record of 1-1 against well-known fighters.

Now enough of this Bart Gunn, the man I want to introduce you is our best local product. 
He is a hockey enforcer with a total of 140 Fights
He is a pro boxer with a record of 4 wins – 0 loss – 1 draw and 3 KO
He can knock you out with one-punch. 
He is a southpaw. 
His name is Guillaume Coudé.
He is the Pride of Saguenay.
He is Chicoutimi’s favorite son.

On the rink or in the ring…
On skates or in shoes…
Bare knuckles or with gloves…
His left punch is an hammer…
His left punch is gold…
You can call him The Hammer.
You can call him Golden Left.
Because Guillaume Coudé is The Man with the Golden Left Hammer.

Inside of one month, he needed only one punch to knock out cold each of his two opponents. One in an hockey game and the other in a boxing match. Same result, The Golden Left Hammer smashed twice.

Dylan Garrioch Vs Guillaume Coude Ligue Nord-Américaine de Hockey (LNAH) October 24th, 2014 River Kings Vs Eperviers


Guillaume Coude vs. Ilies Aini  FIGHT CLUB: L’ÉCLOSION   November 21, 2014

Guillaume Coudé is maybe smaller in size than Bart Gunn 
(6′, 188 lbs vs. 6’4″, 264 lbs). 

But Guillaume Coudé surely has more legit fisticuffs than Bart Gunn.
(145 Fights vs. 5 Fights)

Guillaume Coudé 
is the man with 
The Golden Left Hammer

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