WWE Smackdown results

Friday, January 17, 2014: Friday Night Smackdown results

Watch the full footage:  http://www.whsports.net/

WWE Tag Champion Goldust & Cody Rhodes vs. The New Age Outlaws 
Big fat whore Vickie Guerrero interrupted the match for yelling stupid Royal Rumble promo shit on the mic… Thus distracted Cody Rhodes while Billy Gunn capatalized and pinned him.
5 times WWE tag team champion of the wooooooorld New Age Outlaws won and are the number 1 tag team contenders.

CM Junk backstage interview?

Raw match?  Big Show squashing Jack Jobber Swagger under 90 seconds.  Big Show KTFO of hundred years old Zeb Colter after the match. LOL 🙂

Alberto Del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio
Ah, ah! The Miz is the WWE version of Right Said Fred, one-hit wonder! Good call JBL! lol… Rey Midgetrio pinned ADR with a roll-up. An angry ADR attacked Mysterio after the match.

Raw recap: Bray Wyatt & Daniel Bryan vs. The Usos.

Bray Wyatt in-ring psycotic speech…

CM Junk backstage interview about the New Age Outlaws betrayal

Tamina Snuka vs. Naomi
Naomi pinned the much taller and bigger Tamina with a split-legged moonsault.

Mae Young is dead

Paul Heyman in-ring monologue about his client Brock Lesnar and his match vs. The Big Show at Royal Rumble.  Oups! The Big Show came out… Paul Heyman wisely escaped by running away in the audience.

The Bella Twins are hot…

Intercontinental Champion Big E Langston vs. Faaandaaango
Big E pinned Fandango.

THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR into the WWE Hall Of Fame 2014.

After nearly 4 years, Batista returns next monday on Raw.

Another Raw recap…

The Usos vs. The Real Americans
Zeb Colter in a neck brace and in a wheelchair (see why here
When was the last you saw someone taped out to Swagger’s Patriot… One of the Usos make grandpa Zeb wheelchair collapse with Antonio Cesaro. LOL … The Usos won against the Real Jobbericans.

CM Punk in-ring monologue… lambasting the autority, Triple H as someone who hide behind his wife, hide behind The Shield… CM Punk got what he wished for.  The Shield and the New Age Outlaws are coming to kick his ass… Unfortunately Corporate Kane stopped the massacre before it actually happens…  CM Junk unwisely called Corporate Kane a “7 foot tall sell-out sucka”.  Corporate Kane choke-slammed the piece of trash (Punk).

This week WWE Monday Night RAW results

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