WWE Monday Night Raw results & review

WWE Monday Night Raw
February 3, 2014
Watch the replay on demand


The show starts with some Randy Orton blah, blah, blah… The Authority are tired of Orton ingratitude and whining… They considere Daniel Bryan as the new face of the WWE. A match between Bryan and Orton will take place tonight. 

The Shield vs. Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston & Big E Langston
The Shield wins… Lights goes out, then the Wyatts delirium on the big screen…

#Bad News Barrett…

WWE Network promo…

Christian vs. Jack Swagger
Christian wins

Steel Cage championship match:
WWE Tag Team Champions New Age Outlaws vs. Cody Rhodes & Goldust
How can you dislike the New Age Outlaws? Holy fuck! What about the Cody Rhodes moonsault from top of the steel cage!!! Nonetheless, the ageless New Age Outlaws wins when Billy Gunn fame-assed Cody Rhodes.

Titus O’Neil vs. Zack Ryder
Titus O’Neil defeats the Woo Woo Woo man Zack Ryder. Jo Jo Jobber!

Zack Ryder, a jobber that jobs to jobbers.
Woo Woo Woo!

The Month of Black People is February. Ernie Ladd Tribute.
February? Can you think of a worst month in the year?

Fandango dance-off vs. Santino Jobber is cancelled by Santino himself. Instead we will see Emma from NXT vs. Summer Ray dance-off. Emma sucks at dancing! But the audience decides otherwise. Emma wins! Pointless crap!!

WWE Network preview

Sheamus vs. Curtis Axel
Goldberg chants for Ryback… “The Albinos Warrior” Sheamus wins.

Shawn Michaels, Mr. WrestleMania DVD promo

Batista  boooooo… Interrupt by Alberto Del Rio blah, blah, blah… Some brawling between Batista and ADR… Nobody care!

Mark Henry returns next week on Raw

The Wyatt Family vs. Dolph Ziggler, R Truth & Xavier Woods
The Dolph Ziggler de-push still continue… Indeed, Bray Wyatt pins Ziggler.
The Shield on the big screen for some talking…

Alexander Rusev and his hot European chick promo.

Naomi vs. Aksana
Naomi wins with a split-legged moonsault.

WrestleMania XXX promo

Bette White guess star on Raw next Week ?

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan
Daniel Bryan defeats Randy Orton despite the tentative of Corporate Kane to help Orton. Nonetheless Randy Orton and Corporate Kane kicks the ass of Daniel Bryan after the match. This situation is confusing? Is the Authority still behind their crybaby Randy Orton?

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