Ultimate Warrior R.I.P.

This is not a joke! The Ultimate Warrior (birth name Jim Hellwig) is dead April 8, 2014. The following message was published on

WWE is shocked and deeply saddened to learn of the passing of one of the most iconic WWE Superstars ever, The Ultimate Warrior. Warrior began his WWE career in 1987 and quickly went on to become one of the biggest stars in WWE history. Warrior became WWE Champion at WrestleMania VI, defeating Hulk Hogan in an epic encounter. We are grateful that just days ago, Warrior had the opportunity to take his rightful place in the WWE Hall of Fame and was also able to appear at WrestleMania 30 and Monday Night Raw to address his legions of fans. WWE sends its sincere condolences to Warrior’s family, friends and fans. Warrior was 54 and is survived by his wife Dana and his two daughters.

9:52 PM PTOfficials tell TMZ … Warrior collapsed outside an Arizona hotel at 5:50 PM on April 8th … while walking to his car with his wife.

Warrior was transported to a nearby hospital … where he was pronounced dead.

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