The Worst WWE “champions” Of All Time

As you can see in the title, the word “champions” is written …  Because I don’t even considers the following WWE “champions” as being legit World Champion.  In the past, the World Championship was and still supposed to be the most prestigious title in a wrestling federation.  Jadis, the wrestling’s World Champions were larger-than-life men.  Super Men with size, muscles, attitude, and charisma.  Men like Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, “Macho Man” Randy Savage, The Ultimate Warrior, Bret “The Hitman” Hart, Shawn Michaels…  All these men looked like World Champions and deserved to be World Champion.  The World Champion is supposed to be the poster boy of your wrestling company.  You are not supposed to put the World Championship belt around the waist of any green mid-carder?!?

Currently the only three men who are credible WWE World Champions are Triple H, John Cena, and Randy Orton.  In a perfect world; Triple H would be the ultimate heel with his biker jacket and his sledgehammer, John Cena would be the new Hulk Hogan superhero babyface, and Randy Orton a sinister tweener.  Forget about putting the World Championship belt around the waist of undeserving mid-carder (Daniel Bryan, The Miz…) blank rookie (Sheamus, Jack Swagger?!? what a joke) or washed-up going nowhere veterans (Kane, Mark Henry…) just dissolute the value of the once prestigious title.

Enough of this speech of sad but true constatations.  Let’s go for the WWE Hall of Shame list…

1- Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan
The look of a World Champion… lol

Not only the guy is ugly, redhead, blank, undersized and boring.  In his entry in the federation, Daniel Bryan formely known as Bryan Danielson, was used as a NXT jobber.  Yes, he is maybe the best wrestler in the world right now in term of pure wrestling skills and habilities. It was a real shame that this skilled fighter was mis-used as the worst jobber in NXT.  But with his redhead pale look, blank personnality, absence of charisma, and small size (5’10”, 190 pounds) he just can’t be the World Champion. period.

2- Sheamus
At 6’6″, 272 pounds, Sheamus got the size but that’s about it…

3- The Miz
Excellent mic skills, promo, etc…  But a World Champion, never in an hundred year?!?..  The Miz fits the bill as a douchebag jerk but didn’t convince me at all as a world champion.

4- Rey Mysterio
Generously billed as 5’6″, 165 pounds but more likely to be 5’3″, 140 lbs as billed by ProWrestlingIllustrated.  The WWE just like any serious and credible wrestling federation doesn’t need a midget to be his world champion.  The silly midget was even given the world title once to honnor the tragic death of drug addict Eddie Guerrero.  During his title “reign”; the midget paper champion was squashed and destroyed by The Great Khali and Mark Henry in non-title matches.

5- Jack Swagger
Ah ah ah ah ah… lol lol lol are you kidding me.  Yes, but at least he got size (6’6″, 265 lbs) , look?, and an amateur wrestling background.

6- Dolph Ziggler
Spirit Squad Nicky World Heavyweight Champion??????????  What a fuckin’ joke!!!  Another 11 minutes 23 seconds of disgrace for the WWE.

7- CM Punk
Yes I love the straight edge gimmick.  I personally don’t smoke, drink, and do drugs.  So I was happy to see a straight edge World Champion.  Finally a wrestler who doesn’t indulge in drugs, booze, pills and steroids, a wrestler who dedicated his entire life to wrestling.  But CM Punk World Champion?  I don’t think so…

8- Jeff Hardy
Undeserving drug addict

9- Eddie Guerrero
Eddie Guerrero beating Brock Lesnar??  No chance in hell!

10- Chris Benoit
Blank, boring,toothless vanilla midget and a piece of crap child and women murderer…  Prove me wrong!

My god!  The list of undeserving WWE World Champion is endless: Alberto Del Rio, Mark Henry, Kane, Jeff Hardy, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit…  These men are mid-carder or Intercontinental champions at best.  But not world champions.  Oops, I forgot.  Mankind champion was shitty too.

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