Ultimate Warrior music theme

WWF/WWE Ultimate Warrior 1st Theme With Custom Titantron .

Ultimate Warrior Titantron HD at his WWF return

 R.I.P. Warrior (June 16, 1959 – April 8, 2014)

Look at his intensity! Look at his physique! The Ultimate Warrior was one of the biggest draw ever in professional wrestling. And he will forever be one of the all time greats. And by the way, one of the best-built wrestlers to ever step into the square circle.

R.I.P. and many thanks for all the entertainment. You will forever be one of my favorite.


WCW Warrior Theme(With Custom Tron) His original WWF/WWE theme was a lot better.

THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR 2008 RETURN. “The Ultimate Return”
Take a look at his fantastic physique. Lean, mean, and tan! Warrior still got it at 49 years of age.
This music theme was excellent.

WCW Renegade 1st Theme(With Custom Tron) RIP

The Renegade was a WCW’s Ultimate Warrior rip-off played by Rick Wilson. Hyped as the “Ultimate Surprise” and billed as “the man that’s gonna bring Hulkamania into the 21st Century.” The Renegade was initially pushed to the moon then releged to jobber status for being unceremonically fired by WCW. Then after, encountering financial turmoil and severe depression The Renegade AKA Rick Wilson commited suicide. (October 16, 1965 – February 23, 1999)

 (October 16, 1965 – February 23, 1999)

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