Heavy Weight Athletes With Health Problems

Body building is considered to be the most doping related discipline – in particular by the use of anabolic steroids – and the results are often monstrous (Fig. 18-13).

Fig. 18-13: A body builder, a Sumo wrestler and an obese super-heavy weight champion with a world record (235 kg). All have serious health problems.
In wrestling, discos and super-heavy weight lifting the use of anabolic steroids is frequently disclosed.
A previous world record holder in super-heavy weight lifting developed extreme adiposity when increasing his natural body weight from 80 to 183 kg. The use of steroids resulted in muscular lesions and severe psycho-social crises. The adiposity developed into restrictive lung disease and arthrosis in the knees and other articulations. The athlete was actually a patient with a normal thoracic skeleton, but the lungs were compressed by fat accumulation. During his career he developed the Pickwick syndrome (ie, a fat patient with reduced ventilation, somnolence, sleep apnoea, secondary polycythaemia and cyanosis).
The Japanese Sumo wrestlers have the same problems created by the required extreme adiposity, and many excellent wrestlers have obvious difficulties in walking.

Source: http://www.zuniv.net/physiology/book/chapter18.html

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