Denis Sester – World’s Biggest Arms

Dennis Sester – World’s Biggest Arms
Denis Sester has the world’s largest biceps as stated in
the 1992 Guinness Book of World Records.
As you have seen in one of my preceding article: “The Biggest Arms In The World“.  Dennis Sester of Bloomington, Minnesota is by far the Guiness book World Record owner of the biggest arms in the world.  His right biceps measure an unbelievable 305/8 inches (77.8 cm) when cold.  And his left biceps is slightly smaller, measuring 281/4 inches cold.  But both his arms are big enough to be the world’s largest biceps.  Imagine how much Denis Sester enormous biceps measure when they are pumped!?!
Denis Sester aka Dennis Sester is 6’5″, 425-435 pounds, born in 1952.  He was universally recognized as the man having the world’s largest biceps in 1992 at the age of 40 years old.  His wife, Theresa, dubbed him “Mega Man”.
His secret to develop his just under 31″ biceps?  Ehhhh…  Doing curls with a 150-lb bucket of sand and wrestling with 400-pound pigs in the mud as a teenager.
“Big” Tom Sester, his father, was 6 feet 9 inches and 550 pounds and as Denis would say, was super strong.  “He could reach down and grab a 500-pound pound hog by the ear and tail and throw it up in the truck without even thinking about it.” 
So maybe genetic played a big role in Sester’s monster-sized biceps development.

Klaus Doring synthol junkie

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