Akebono arm wrestling bodybuilder George Farah

Arm Wrestling Battle:

Sumo Wrestler Taro Akebono (6’8″, 525 lbs)


Bodybuilder George Farah (5’6″, 225 lbs)

Ever wondered about the arm wresting power of sumos and body builders?
A Japanese TV show recently set up an arm wrestling match between professional bodybuilder George “Bulletproof” Farah vs. former sumo grand champion Taro Akebono.

The first two rounds of the match had Akebono with one victory in a right-handed fight and Farah with a victory in a left-handed fight. It was decided that the final round would be a right-handed bout, prompting Akebono to declare that he would retire if he lost. Given his victory in the first right-handed match, it probably wasn’t a very risky declaration:
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