The Ultimate Guide to Punch Bare-Knuckle
This video is a journey through martial arts history, anatomy, biomechanics, physics, and the experience of Chris Price, founder of the legendary Croydon Boxing System, to discover the best way to throw a Bare-Knuckle Straight Punch.
Bare-Knuckle Boxing in Muay Boran Nam: Extended Edition
- The Secrets of Thai Bare-Knuckle Boxing Revealed! A formerly lost devastating art designed for Thai soldiers to fight in the absence of weapons and hand protectors
- This area of Muay Thai Boran has been reconstructed, enriched with worldwide knowledge of Bare-Knuckle Boxing, and scientifically refined
- This instructional manual teaches you how to annihilate your enemies barehanded
- Thai Bare-Knuckle Boxing is one of the partially lost areas of Muay Boran; itsfragments are scattered all over the various Muay Boran styles
- What is missing is a coherent system that encloses all the tools, separates them from those working only with gloves, and explains when, where, and how you should use them in a logical and effective way
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