Smackdown June 21, 2013

Things starts bad with that little nasty piece of trash Daniel “The Weak Link” Bryan whining about being the weak link as usual.  Damn that I hate this piece of shit!!  Yes!  Yes! Yes! Yes!  I just hope that Randy Orton will kick his dirty ass silly but…  I pray for Randy Orton to maim and kill the dirty little silly bastard that the weak link is.

Sheamus continues his de-push feuding with Rhodes Scholar submitting Cody Rhodes with a Cloverleaf.

Wyatt Family = half Charles Manson family / half Texas Chainsaw Massacre

InterContinental Champion and undefeated Curtis Axel (w/ Bald Heyman) bested Wade Barrett.  No surprise here.

Divas Champion sexy ass AJ Lee defeated the much bigger, stronger and better Natalya.  In real life, Natalya would kill a petite woman like AJ.

World HeavyWeight Champion Albertoooooooooooooooooooooo Del Rio won by DQ vs Chris Jericho when blondy Dolph Ziggler stormed the ring to attack Del Rio.  ADR is much more entertaining as a heel.  Si!  Si!  Si!

Christian squashed 3MB pure jobber Drew McIntyre.  (Yes the same Drew McIntyre that years ago Vince McMahon billed as the “Chosen One” and “future World Champion”.  How can a bright future sour so bad in disgrace?  He’s now so burried in jobbing that his bright future is now flushed down the toilet.)  Thankx god for The Shield!!!  The Shield kicked the ass of Christian!  Welcome to the WWE Universe ass clown!

From The Vault, The Mountie Jacques Rougean vs Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart (Natalya’s pop).  I didn’t realized that Neidhart sucked that bad as a wrestler!!

Finally the main event after several fillers, Daniel “The Weak Link” Bryan won by count out vs “The Apex Predator” Randy Orton.  An interesting feud in the making.  Even if I can’t stand Daniel Bryan.

Best Moment of the Night:  By very, very far, when The Shield came and destroyed Christian.

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