WWE Smackdown (April 11, 2014)

WWE Friday Night Smackdown Friday, April 11, 2014 (ALL DAY)
http://www.whsports.tv/  replay on demand

I hate the fuckin’ Smackdown music.

Big Show vs. “The King Of Swing” Cesaro


After being trashed during the entire match, Cesaro defeats Big Show by disqualification when Jack Swagger prevents Cesaro to not use his Giant Swing on the very large Big Show. Cesaro is probably not able yet to Swing the giant. Or the Big Show maybe isn’t able to land properly on the mat without injuring himself after the Swing. Nonetheless, Cesaro puts the Big Show in The Neutralizer.

Is Cesaro strong enough to Giant Swing the Big Show?
All I can say is that Cesaro was able to Giant Swing the Great Khali.

Fuckin’ John Cena + Bray Wyatt time filling blah, blah, blah!! 

Los Matadores vs. RybAxel / AxelBack
We can almost call it an upset! RybAxel defeats Los Matadores. A rare win for Axel-Back.
Curtis Axel and Ryback were supposedly “too good” to be Paul Heyman Guy!?! Look at them now!

Rob Van Dam vs. Damien Sandow
RVD defeats jobber to the stars Damien Sandow.

“The Immortal” HULK HOGAN invites the newly crowd WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan in the ring for a priceless celebration.

Bad News Barrett vs. Kofi Kingston
Legit Bare Knuckle Brawler Street Fighter Bad News Barrett KO’s Kofi Kingston.

Fandango w/ Layla vs. Santino w/ Emma
Fandango defeats Santino.

RAW recap of the undeserving ill-looking goth whore Paige stealing AJ Lee’s Divas title.

RAW match, the cheered Bad News Barrett defeating the booed Rey Mysterio.


The Shield raw and Main Event stuff…

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan & Tag Team Champions The Usos vs. Corporate Kane, Randy Orton & Batista
It turned into a no-contest… I think?

It all ended with The Shield caming to the rescue of Daniel Bryan and doing a well-deserved Triple Power bomb to Kane. While Batista and Orton heads back to the locker room. lol
Orton and Bootista would be pretty good tag team champions.


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