Daikaiju (Giant Monster)
Aliases: Giant Monster
Self-proclaimed: The Tallest, Biggest, Strongest and Toughest Man In The World
Birthplace:Land of the Rising Sun / Tokyo, Japan
Height: Over 8 Feet Tall
Weight: Half a Ton (and Still Growing)
Age: 20
Ethnicity: Asian
Nationality: Japanese
Blood Type: B
Category: Natural & Raw
Fighting Style: Size & Strength
Favorite Move: Suffocation (body-smother)
Daily Breakfast “to keep his size and strength”:
- 36 fried eggs
- 3 lbs of bacon
- 1/2 lbs of ham
- 2 whole loafs of bread
- 10-12 pancakes
- 12 croissants
- 2 liters of milk
- 1 liter of orange juice
Daily Alcohol Consumption “to feel warm”:
- 14 bottles of wine
- 2 liters of vodka
- 2 or 3 cases (24) of beer
- 15 chickens in one sitting
His greatest feat of strength — simply supporting his enormous frame everyday.
Acromegaly, excessive sweating, enormous size, superhuman strength, gargantuan appetite.
Making his fighting debut in the Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour without having any combat sports or martial arts background nor experience whatsoever. Never had a single fight in his life. His first ever fight will take place at the grandest stage of them all, the Universal SLAUGHTERSPORT Tour.
Aside from his world-record setting dimensions, all he has is only 6 months of training, period. His training focused on using his superhuman size and strength to his maximum advantage.
Age 9: 6′
Age 10: 200 lbs
Age 12: 6’6″
Age 16: 600 lbs
Age 17: 7’7″
The half-ton Daikaiju
Can you tell me what you gonna do against an 8 feet tall, half a ton giant??? One of his legs is heavier and bigger than your body!??!
Just one advice: Get the fuck out of here!
Personality: A gentle giant, professional, very kind, big heart, sociable, friendly, funny, who takes the time to sign an autograph for everyone and to socialize with fans. He indulges with food, alcohol, and women.
Nonetheless a ruthless merciless killer during promos and inside the Battlefield. He won’t hesitate about squashing his enemy like a bug.
Music Theme: Scariest Horror Music Ever
Daikaiju is the exclusive property and creation of PYGOD
SLAUGHTERSPORT™ is 100% created, operated, and owned by PYGOD
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